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College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Advisors

Mark Gray

Mark Gray
Student Success Director
(931) 221-7142

  • Education: 肯塔基大学商业教育文学学士,理学学士 肯塔基大学农学硕士,肯塔基大学商业教育硕士 东肯塔基大学,并获得学校管理硕士证书 from Western Kentucky University
  • Location: McReynolds 110

Schedule Appointment


Mark Gray在教育领域拥有超过30年的经验. Mark has worked 在过去的18年里一直在帮助学业上有困难的学生取得成功. First, 之前是TRIO学生支持服务项目,现在是大学生 成功,马克曾担任学生成功协调员和主任,而在奥斯汀 Peay. 马克还做了十年的高中教师,兼职讲师 在社区学院学习了四年,并担任副教授 for five years at Vincennes University. In addition, Mark’s career has included working for eight years with the U.S. 作为一名土壤科学家和环保主义者.


Stephanie Pollock

Stephanie Pollock
Student Success Professional
(931) 221-7143

  • Education: 音乐文学学士(内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学),歌剧音乐硕士 Performance (University of Texas - Austin) 
  • Majors Advised: 兽医预科,兽医技术,生物,数学和化学
  • Location: McReynolds 105

Schedule Appointment


斯蒂芬是内布拉斯加州人,2013年开始了她的职业生涯. Her interests 在这一领域,她担任了咨询、招聘和留用的角色,现在 as Student Success Professional at Austin Peay.  Steph is passionate about providing 她为学生提供全面和个性化的指导和资源,因为他们连接 their academic interests to their goals.  Outside of the office, Steph enjoys creating 音乐和艺术,带着她的站立式桨板在水上,探索当地的隐藏 gems.   


Anthea Saez

Anthea C. Saez
Academic Advisor
(931) 221-6584

  • Education: 生物科学学士学位和动物科学硕士学位 at Purdue University.  From NC State a Masters in Crop Science.
  • Majors Advised: Agriculture and Biology
  • Location: McReynolds 104B 

Schedule Appointment


Anthea C. Saez于9月加入CO STEM学生成功团队,担任学术顾问 2022. 她曾在天然染色/纺织行业担任农业工作 research associate within the R&D department in Springfield, TN. Before moving to 克拉克斯维尔,安西娅在和谐科学学院当高中科学老师 他是德克萨斯州埃尔帕索的一位成功教练,也是中央大学生物学的兼职教授 Carolina Community College in NC. Anthea's graduate studies included research experience 内设大型动物食品安全(微生物学)、农业教育与课程 有开发、研究项目管理经验,包括国际研究 在哥斯达黎加和洪都拉斯的动物科学食品安全和食品安全 setting.


Sabrina Marsh Headshot Photo

Sabrina Marsh
Academic Advisor
(931) 221-6581

  • Education: 卫生管理理学学士学位和公共卫生理学硕士学位 Education from Austin Peay State University 
  • Majors Advised: 医学检验科学、放射学、计算机信息系统、网络安全、 and Mathematics
  • Location: McReynolds 116 

         Schedule Appointment



萨布丽娜·马什自2015年以来一直作为一名学生参与365bet社区 employee in multiple different roles. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2019年卫生管理硕士学位和公共卫生教育硕士学位 2021. 在获得本科学位期间,她在校园里工作 Resource Center as a Student Learning Assistant and tutor. While obtaining her graduate degree, Sabrina 曾在健康与人类表现系担任研究生助教. In 2022, before switching to the Office for Student Success to be a CoSTEM Academic Advisor, she served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Health and Human Performance Department teaching five different HHP courses. 在她的空闲时间,Sabrina喜欢阅读,烘焙,并花时间与她的家人. 



Jesse Day

Jesse Day
Academic Advisor
(931) 221-7141

  • Education: 肯塔基大学社会学学士学位
  • Majors Advised: 计算机信息技术专业/计算机网络、网络与数据库、工程 Physics, Engineering Technology, and Physics
  • Location: Sundquist Science Complex SSC E107-B

Schedule Appointment


Jesse Day是costem学术顾问,于2022年8月迁至Clarksville. 此前,他曾担任美国洛雷恩县社区学院(Lorain County Community College)首席STEM顾问 Lorain, OH. 在成为顾问之前,他还担任过学生成功教练. 杰西于2001年获得肯塔基大学学士学位. He is 热衷于为学生提供真诚和高质量的建议,为他们做好准备 for their future. 杰西不辅导学生的时候,就会去踢足球 field or basketball court as a high school official.


Rachel Carlson

Rachel Carlson
Academic Advisor
(931) 221-7115

  • Education: 心理学学士学位,成人及高等教育教育硕士学位 from South Dakota State University
  • Major Advised: General Computer Science, Software Engineering
  • Location: Maynard Mathematics and Computer Science Building Room 230

Schedule Appointment


雷切尔·卡尔森在克拉克斯维尔生活了10年,在奥斯汀开始了她的职业生涯 Peay in 2021. 她的专业经历包括担任研究教员 佛罗里达州立大学的助理研究协调员 在美国陆军预备役服役八年,担任医务人员 Plans Officer. 她喜欢和大学生一起工作,帮助他们为未来做计划 reach their academic and life goals.


Brooke Gibson

Brooke Gibson
College Possible Coach
(931) 221-6626

  • Location: McReynolds 112


Brooke Gibson is a second year Student Success College Possible Coach. She graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science 领导与组织管理辅修心理学与传播学 Arts. 在奥斯汀皮伊大学读本科的时候,她非常 involved on campus. She has previously worked on campus for the department of Information Technology, was a Peer Leader in UNIV 1000, and worked as a Resident Assistant. 她很高兴能见到学生并帮助他们度过大学生活.


Olivia McClendon

Olivia McClendon
College Possible Coach
(931) 221-6086

  • Location: McReynolds 109


奥利维亚·麦克伦登于2021年秋季开始担任成功教练. During her time as 作为一名本科生,奥利维亚对奥斯汀·皮伊的校园非常投入. She served 作为UNIV 1000的同伴领袖,法国俱乐部的副主席,在 多个组织遍布校园,并参加了西班牙留学 program in Summer 2019. These experiences culminated a rich knowledge of Austin Peay 奥利维亚很高兴与学生们分享这些资源,因为她帮助他们过渡 into collegiate life. She graduated Cum Laude in May 2021 with a B.A. in French and 辅修西班牙语、国际研究和领导科学. In August 2022, she 开始攻读英语教学硕士证书 Languages (TESOL) program at Austin Peay State University.